Safety & Security in America
Americans should be able to do everyday grocery shopping without the need to fear for their lives. No person in a free country should live in fear that at any moment their skin color could make them a target. Innocent children ought not lose their lives, become victims of or witness tragedy while learning in our schools. Teachers and administrators should not be subjected to tragic violence. Worshippers should not be in fear to attend their services. People out enjoying life should not have to be constantly on edge over who may be next.
We are again facing tragic events, that are too quickly becoming just another day in America. These moments in American life rob family circles and communities, leaving behind empty voids and hurting hearts.
We cannot stress enough that elected officials of all parties must put their petty ignorance aside and do something for the American people. Nonprofit organizations are like ours are working to ensure that underserved and underrepresented communities are empowered for sustainable change.
What good would this change do if we do nothing for the safety and security of the American people. Let us be extremely clear, this is not a red or blue, left, or right issue. All branches of government through whatever party is in power bears the responsibility of these precious lives lost. As well as bear the responsibility of the trauma that takes root in the aftermath of such horrifically tragic moments.
America cannot legitimately be enforcers of democracy aboard while failing its own citizens.
We demand our elected officials across this country tackle the issue of safety and security immediately. We cannot wait while the next tragedy is being planned or anticipated.
We are tired and worn and thoughts and prayers no longer suffice in the face of what is essentially domestic war.